Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PAP and Moral Responsibility

Principle of Alternate Possiblities (PAP): a person is morally responsible for actions only if he or she could have done otherwise. In other words, moral responsibility requires alternative possibilities (AP) for action.

PAP AND INCOMPATIBALISM: An Argument Against Moral Responsibility

1. If Determinism is true, then there are no alternative possibilities for your actions.
2. Determinism is true.
3. Therefore, there are no alternate possibilities for your actions.

This argument can be expressed in the form of modus ponens:

1. If D, then ~AP
2. D
3. Therefore, ~AP

4. If you are morally responsible, then there must be alternate possibilities for your actions (PAP).
5. There is no alternative possibilities for your actions (if determinism is true)
6. Therefore, there is no moral responsibility.

This argument can be expressed in the form of modus tollens:

4. If MR, then AP.
5. ~AP
6. Therefore, ~MR.

Frankfurt denies the truth of Premise #4! His thought experiments are supposed to show that there are situations where there are no alternative possibilities for action, and yet a person is still morally responsible.

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