Monday, September 23, 2013

Personal Reaction vs. Evaluation

simply states feelings, preferences
gives reasons for beliefs
I think Locke is wrong about personal identity.
because personality traits are more important for defining a person than memories are.
Parfit is right about survival being more important than identity.
because identity is a strict mathematical concept. It does not make sense to apply the concept of strict numerical identity to persons because persons are not the kinds of things that tend to have strict numerical identity.
I agree with Frankfurt about moral responsibility.
because sometimes you do not have the ability to do otherwise, but this is not why you do what you do. If the reason why you perform an action is because you want to, then you are morally responsible.
I feel like Van Inwagen successfully defends Incompatibalism.
because if determinism were true, then there would be no state of affairs that you could prevent. And if you can’t prevent something from happening, you can’t be morally responsible for it. Moral responsibility for something requires the possibility of preventing that thing from happening.

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