Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vocab from Van Inwagen

Free Will Thesis: Some human beings have free will. In other words, at least some humans have the power to (are able to) act otherwise than they do act.
Hard Determinism is the view that our actions are determined by external factors and that the truth of determinism is incompatible with free will. The hard determinist denies that there is any free will.
Soft Determinism is the view that our actions are determined by external factors but that the truth of determinism is compatible with free will. In other words, determinism and free will are compatible.
Libertarianism is the view that we do have free will and that free will in incompatible with determinism. In other words, the libertarian denies that determinism is true.
To say that a state of affairs obtains just means that some event or state happened. A state of affairs is a fact, or a situation that exists in the world. The phrase is just another way of saying that something happened.

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