Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Shame vs Guilt

Shame is a feeling we have about the judgments of other people. Guilt is a feeling that accompanies a judgment about ourselves. We can feel shameful for the acts of others, but guilt is a feeling we have about our own acts. For example, I can feel ashamed about my brother if he goes to jail for a crime. I do not feel responsible for his actions, but I feel shame for them. Or I can even feel shame about my own actions even if I do not think I have done something wrong. Say I voted for Ron Paul in a recent election. I may think that I did the right thing, but I may realize that others think I acted incorrectly. I may feel ashamed about my actions even if I do not feel guilty. Guilt is the emotion that is connected with moral responsibility because guilt is a feeling about the wrongness of my own actions.

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